/BCO-DMO/CMORE/bloomer/stations --date eq 20070820-- Level 1

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#  Stations, dates, lats, lons, casts and bots for BLOOMER 
#  2009
#  date ingested into BCO-DMO: September 30, 2009
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event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
107       CTD_cast                  21        1         20070820       0046      24.370    -158.928  nd          core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           6.1      24       
5           5.5      23       
5           6.2      22       
25          26.1     21       
25          25.7     20       
25          25.3     19       
45          44.9     18       
45          44.5     17       
45          44.8     16       
45          44.8     15       
60          59.0     14       
75          75.9     13       
75          75.3     12       
75          75.0     11       
85          85.6     10       
100         100.0    9        
100         100.6    8        
125         126.0    7        
150         150.4    6        
175         176.8    5        
200         201.3    4        
250         251.3    3        
300         302.0    2        
500         503.3    1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
108       CTD_cast                  22        1         20070820       0300      24.245    -158.783  4673        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           6.06     24       
5           4.84     23       
5           5.08     22       
25          24.46    21       
25          25.17    20       
25          24.61    19       
45          44.90    18       
45          46.18    17       
45          45.37    16       
60          59.66    15       
75          75.85    14       
75          75.68    13       
85          84.42    12       
100         100.73   11       
100         100.68   10       
125         125.0    9        
125         125.7    8        
150         150      7        
175         176      6        
175         176      5        
200         201      4        
250         250.6    3        
300         301.5    2        
500         503      1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
109       CTD_cast                  23        1         20070820       0510      24.123    -158.640  nd          core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           7.15     24       
5           8.32     23       
5           7.46     22       
25          24.82    21       
25          24.69    20       
25          24.45    19       
45          45.17    18       
45          45.59    17       
45          45.22    16       
45          45.03    15       
60          59.21    14       
75          75.37    13       
75          75.12    12       
75          75.27    11       
85          85.78    10       
100         100.96   9        
100         99.84    8        
125         126.41   7        
150         151.27   6        
175         176.03   5        
200         199.81   4        
250         251.61   3        
300         301.76   2        
500         504.13   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
110       CTD_cast                  24        1         20070820       0710      24.000    -158.501  4642        core                                 
depth       press    bot      
5           7.46     24       
5           7.77     23       
25          24.76    22       
25          24.24    21       
25          23.68    20       
25          23.78    19       
45          45.99    18       
45          45.71    17       
45          45.10    16       
45          44.92    15       
65          64.89    14       
75          75.46    13       
75          75.93    12       
75          75.74    11       
85          85.06    10       
100         100.77   9        
100         100.02   8        
125         126.18   7        
150         149.61   6        
175         176.02   5        
200         200.42   4        
250         250.48   3        
300         302.10   2        
500         503.68   1        
event     event_type                sta       cast      date           time      lat       lon       depth_w     activity_and_comments                
111       trace_metals_cast         24        nd        20070820       0800      23.999    -158.501  nd          nd                                   
depth       press    bot      
nd          nd       nd